Developers Guide


 /* Send an SMS using this aplication. You can run this file 3 different ways:
     *    Download a local server like WAMP, MAMP or XAMPP. Point the web root
     *    directory to the folder containing this file, and load
     *    localhost:8888/client.php in a web browser.

// include the Sms class
    include_once 'Sms.php';
    class MainSms
        public function call()
            //instantiate a new Sms Rest Client with argument api,senderID,base_URL
            $sms     = new Sms('A40e3879f034xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'SENDER',
            // Sending an sms instantly
            // Pass api key and senderid of your account
            $dlr_url = '{sent}&delivered={delivered}&msgid=
            $obj = $sms->sendSms('78xxxxxxxx', 'test message', [
                'dlr_url' => $dlr_url,
                //Delivery URL for passing replaceable parameters` values after sending SMS
                'time'    => '2017-06-11 11:17:55 AM',
                // Schedule SMS; Params are To, message, dlrurl, format, time, method
                'unicode' => '1',
                //Sending Unicode SMS; Params are To, message, dlrurl, format, method
                'flash'   => '1',
                //SMS will appear on the recipient notification screen; further will be saved to Inbox
                'format'  => 'json',
                'port'    => '8213', ]
                //Send a normal or unicode SMS to the given port number 
            /*$xml="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><xmlapi>
                <message>xml test</message>
                <campaign>xml test</campaign>
            $obj = $sms->sendSmsUsingXmlApi($xml,['formate'=>'json']);*/

            /*$json = "{\"message\": \"test json\",
             \"sms\": [{
                \"to\": \"78xxxxxxxx\",
                \"msgid\": \"1\",\"message\": \"test json\",
                \"custom1\": \"11\",
                \"custom2\": \"22\",
                \"sender\": \"RRRRRR\"
                    \"to\": \"99xxxxxxxx\",
                     \"msgid\": \"2\",
                     \"custom1\": \"1\",
                     \"custom2\": \"2\"   }],
                     \"unicode\": 1,
                     \"flash\": 1,
                     \"dlrurl\": \"{reference}%26status={status}%26delivered={delivered}%26messageid={messageid}%26customid1={custom1}%26customid2={custom2}%26senttime={senttime}%26reference={reference}%26message={message}\"
            $obj = $sms->sendSmsUsingJsonApi($json,['formate'=>'json']);*/

            //$obj = $sms->smsStatusPush("782xxxxxxx","hi......",$dlr_url);
            // To push status of any message
            $obj = $sms->smsToOptinGroup("message","groupname",['time'    => '2017-06-11 11:17:55 AM',
                'unicode' => '1',
                'flash' => '1',
            //Send message to any existing Optin group
            $obj = $sms->addContactsToGroup("RRRRRR","782xxxxxxx",['fullname'=>'abc','formate'=>'json']);
            // To add contact(s) to any existing group
            $obj = $sms->sendMessageToGroup("message","groupname","6416300217");
            //Send message to any existing group
            $obj = $sms->editSchedule("2017-09-23 11:17:55 AM","6416300217",['formate'=>'json']);
            // Modify any scheduled message
            $obj = $sms->deleteScheduledSms("6416300217",['formate'=>'json']);
            // Delete any scheduled message
            $obj = $sms->creditAvailabilityCheck(['formate'=>'json']);
            // check available credits in your account
            $obj = $sms->createtxtly("",['format' => 'json']);
            // Create any txtly URL  
            $obj = $sms->deletetxtly("205",['format' => 'json']);
            // Delete any existing Txtly URL
            $obj = $sms->txtlyReportExtract(['format' => 'json']);
            // To pull reports for all Txtly you have created
            $obj = $sms->pullLogForIndividualtxtl("223",['format' => 'json']);
            // To pull logs for any Txtly; simply put Txtky ID  
            $obj = $sms->smsStatusPull('msg-Id');   
            // To check Delivery status of the sent message
            //Put Message ID of the particular message for which you want to check delivery status
            $obj = $sms->SILookup('78xxxxxxxxx', ['format' => 'json']);
            //For checking Home Location Register information for any number(s)

            echo '<pre>';
    $main = new MainSms();

Note: Download the source code from here

  1. Extract the downloaded file
  2. Copy the above sample code and save it with extension .php (say trigger.php) in extracted folder
  3. Now call trigger.php


public class call
            public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
            SendSms smsObj = new SendSms();
            *  Setting up parameters
            *  Method can be sms or sms.status
            *  Api_key which you can get from developer section
            *  Sender_Id from which you want to execute the SMS campaign
            smsObj.setParams("", "sms", "Api_key", "Sender_Id");
            *  Sending Normal SMS
            *  Mobile_Number: valid mobile number with country prefix
            *  Text_Message: SMS content
            *  Dlr_Url: Delivery url ex : http://www.yourdomainname.domain/yourdlrpage&custom=XX
            smsObj.sendSms("Mobile_Number;", "Text_Message", "Dlr_Url");
            //smsObj.scheduleSms("Mobile_Number", "Text_Message", "Dlr_Url", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS");
            //smsObj.sendUnicodeSms("Mobile_Number", "Text_Message", "Dlr_Url");
            //smsObj.scheduleUnicodeSms("Mobile_Number", "Text_Message", "Dlr_Url", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS");

Note: Download the source code from here

  1. Extract the downloaded file
  2. Copy the above sample code and save it with extension .java (say in extracted folder
  3. Now call


Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web

Dim sURL As String

sURL = "" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("This is test message")

Dim wrGETURL As WebRequest
wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create(sURL)

Dim objStream As Stream
objStream = wrGETURL.GetResponse.GetResponseStream()

Dim objReader As New StreamReader(objStream)
Dim sLine As String = ""
Dim i As Integer = 0

sLine = objReader.ReadLine
If Not sLine Is Nothing Then
End If